Execution Services
We offer multiple means of execution, including a hybrid voice and electronic broking model for pre-trade, trade and post-trade services. Our bespoke solutions cater to the needs of our clients through fast to market, flexible systems. The scalability of our business is easily transferable across different regions and products. These capabilities are expertly supported by BGC Trader, our multi-asset, integrated voice and electronic price execution platform for the inter-bank and broker community.

Our brokers offer an efficient means to price discovery and a high quality service focused on discretion and anonymity. In addition, we offer clients the option to access electronic liquidity.
Electronic Broking
Our continued investment in technology enables us to meet a diverse range of client needs quickly and effectively, reinforcing a long history of delivering excellence. Our trading platforms establish a direct link between our brokers and customers. We provide electronic trading software and services for various financial products through BGC Trader, our multi-asset hybrid offering for voice and electronic execution, BGC Forex, BGC Credit, BGC Volume Match and other proprietary platforms. Products supported include government bond markets, spot foreign exchange, foreign exchange options, corporate bonds, credit default swaps, credit derivatives, OTC interest rate derivatives and other financial products.
Clients can execute transactions across asset classes utilizing a full range of options, including voice and hybrid broking, request-for quote (“RFQ”), our Volume Match anonymous auction-style platform, and our central limit order books (“CLOB”).
We are leveraging our platform to offer fully electronic trading in certain products as they transition from voice to electronic execution. BGC Trader is a comprehensive application providing volume, access, speed of execution and ease of use. BGC Trader, together with our other electronic platforms and services are supported by our global e-Commerce team, which provide technical expertise, software consulting and customization, and technical and other support for our brokers and customers around the world.
BGC eCommerce specialises in the development of innovative electronic trading, post trade risk mitigation and compression solutions. ColleX adds collateral carry and generation of latent inventory value to the eCommerce portfolio of award winning systems spanning the pre-post trade value chain, from eTrading, OTC swaptions, caps, floors and FX options compression to reduction in margin and risk mitigation. ColleX leverages BGC experience and global brand distribution in deployment of electronic trading venues.
ColleX brings the strength of BGC eCommerce to new users across banks and other financial institutions. The ongoing implementation of Uncleared Margin Rules & mandatory Variation Margin from March 2017 requires us to consider liquidity of collateral being as systemically relevant as its credit value. By offering the potential mobility of collateral at T+0 we can deliver cost benefits and reverse fractured liquidity trends.